Our Collection

We offer two lines :
Skin and body care line issued from moroccan Hammam rituals to give your routine a refresh and reveal your natural beauty.
And another collection « tintation » where you embrace the world of liquid blushes and shades that will level up your beauty game and change perspectives of make up.

About Us

The idea was born from a great friendship willing to sublimate organic cosmetics. We believe fiercely in the benefits of natural skincare by revisiting oldest Moroccan beauty secrets with a unique twist of sophistication. We work towards the best quality possible by limiting chemical preservatives in order to guarantee an organic line. Our products are registered and recognized by the health ministry of the country of origin with free sales certifications for all destinations.


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Le flacon coquin qui rend vos joues roses !

Fard à joues et teinte liquide à base de poudre de coquelicot, hautement pigmenté pour un rendu seconde peau naturelle

Mode d’utilisation :
– Appliquez Une à deux gouttes du produit sur vos joues et lèvres. Utilisez le bout des doigts ou le pinceau applicateur et estompez-la rapidement.

Multifunction Makeup

Ultra pigmented

Ultra efficient Vegan